Very child friendly property.Waterfront offers a hard packed sand beach.The nearby Mill Stream boat launch allows easy access to Lake Muskoka ,Rosseau & Joseph .14' aluminum boat along side the t shaped dock is included.For more adventure some people jump off the dock into the water can be your refreshing dip, or sit and relax in the muskoka chairs either on the dock or the patio.
Beautiful floor to ceiling granite fireplace enhances the bright cheery living room.Enjoy the view from the sunroom or the Muskoka room. BBQ,DW,DRYER,DVD,Fireplace,Fridge MW,Oven/Stove Stereo,Telephone,TV,VCR,Washer. NO WEEKEND RENTALS DURING THE MONTHS OF JULY AND AUGUST.
This property has 1 King(s), 2 Full(s), 2 Queen(s).